Nature Playground at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain
Ko Pukekawa me Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) nga Maunga
Ko Te Waitematā te Moana
Ko Te Ako o te Tui me Waipapa nga puna wai Māori
Ko Waikohanga, Ko Pukekawa, Ko Pukekaroa nga pā
Pukekawa and Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) are the mountains
Waitematā is the sea
Te Ako o te Tui and Waipapa are the freshwater springs
Waikohanga, Pukekawa and Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) are the forts
The Project
Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is a legacy for future generations – a family-friendly experience that playfully brings alive the unique nature, culture, history and stories of Pukekawa / Auckland Domain.
• The Pukekawa volcano
• The historic pa site
• The Waiparuru Steam and swamp
• Use of the Duck Pond as freshwater springs
• Use of the site for food production, family homes and gardens
• Use of the site for passive and active recreation
The project is an initiative of Auckland Council and Auckland Foundation in consultation with mana whenua and community stakeholders.
We have successfully secured funding for Stage One which is now actively underway. You are invited to contribute to Stage Two and help deliver the full vision and legacy of Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain.
We are committed to creating the very best of New Zealand here in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.
Together, we are making it happen!
Together, we are building a natural play space for all ages to play, enjoy and explore – a place to gather our community and celebrate the heritage and ecology of the Pukekawa / Auckland Domain landscape, inspired by the site’s rich natural and cultural history.
We’re inviting contributions from our Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland community to get involved and join us in delivering this world-class new play and learning space which:
• Encourages children to explore, use their imaginations, keep active and develop a respect for and connection to the natural world through a focus on unprescribed play spaces.
• Is designed to integrate sympathetically into the existing environment, with existing trees retained and incorporated into the play space.
• Uses predominantly natural and found materials.
• Is designed to allow for the manipulation of natural elements such as planting, rocks, logs, sand and water.
• Encourages co-operative play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities.
“Huge thanks to Auckland Foundation. This is a fantastic opportunity for Aucklanders to contribute to a nature-based playground in an iconic place in our city and be recognised for it. Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is an example of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland people coming together to create something amazing for our children and future generations.”
- Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson
“This new play and learning space is a legacy for our tamariki and future generations. Auckland Foundation is delighted to be part of the creation of this unique nature-based playground alongside our community.”
- Melody Mobsby, Auckland Foundation Chief Executive
Target: $150,000
Raised: $126,000
Stage 2 - PENDING
Target: $2,000,000
Raised: $
All contributions of $50,000 and greater will be recognised on site and in certain play areas.
Your donation will help bring this community project to life, AND qualify for a tax rebate of 33.3% (up to the level of your taxable income).
Want to support and donate to Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain?
We’re inviting contributions from our Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland community to get involved and join us in delivering this world-class new play and learning space. Whether you are an individual, family, business or other organisation, anyone can contribute.
Initial donations from individuals and organisations have funded Stage One, allowing work to commence on detailed design and resource consenting.
All new funding secured from now onwards contributes towards Stage Two – Construction.
We’re encouraging everyone to get involved and contribute to this project, in turn helping transform part of Pukekawa / Auckland Domain for all ages to enjoy and explore for generations to come. Your gift will help bring this transformative community project fully to life.
All contributions of $1,000 and greater will, at the donor’s discretion, be recognised below. Donations of $50,000 or more will be recognised on site and in certain play areas.
Donate Now
Credit / Debit Card – Please use the Donation Form above to donate via your credit or debit card – Ngā mihi / Thank you!
Online Banking – To donate via online banking, please make your donation to:
Payee – Auckland Foundation
Account – 12-3028-0714703-00
Reference – Nature Play
Alternatively, you can contact us to notify us of your intention to donate. We will email you a donation invoice.
Contributions may be in-kind. If you have skills, goods or services that could benefit this project, we welcome the opportunity to talk with you.
Contact Us
If you wish to donate, and / or represent an organisation or business that wishes to be a partner in this ambitious community legacy project, we’d love to talk with you about how you can support us.
Please contact Auckland Foundation on
Confirmed Project Donors
All contributions will, at the donor’s discretion, be recognised here. Donations of $50,000 or more will be recognised on site and in certain play areas. Donors may choose not to have their name displayed. Details are updated at the end of each week.
Foundational Donors
- Adam & Sonia Clark, Kohimarama, Auckland
- Chris & Jackie Reeve, Takapuna, Auckland
- Denise & Brian Smith, Christchurch
- The Wickham Family, Hamilton, New Zealand, Corvallis, Oregon, & Houston, Texas, USA
- A family from Titirangi, Auckland
Donors $100k+
Products & Services Donors $50K+
Pukekawa Donors $200K
Donors $50K
Products & Services Donors $25K
Concept Plan
climbing + sliding
Manipulated landforms inspired by the site’s volcanic origins, including tuff rings, explosion craters, scoria cones and crater lakes.
Landforms provide a variety of climbing, rolling, balancing and sliding opportunities. Other off the shelf play equipment may include play such as jumping and spinning.
Landforms at a range of different heights cater to a range of abilities.
Creation of high / vantage points from which to view the wider play space, and recessed hiding / resting areas.
Largely unprogrammed areas designed to encourage imaginative play and storytelling.
water + sand play
This space is designed to allow children to interact with and manipulate a variety of natural materials, including water, sand and mud.
It represents the historic Waiparuru Stream and swamp that historically flowed through the site.
Water flows from the upper to lower terrace following existing landforms. Planting is also incorporated into the play space.
Play equipment may include water channels, pumps and tables, sliding, balancing, sand table and digger, and swinging.
balancing + constructive play
The play area is set among existing mature trees.
Existing planting to be supplemented with additional trees and shrubs that showcase seasonal change and colour.
Proposed equipment includes a feature play tower providing views to the wider environment and a balancing trail / circuit utilising natural materials.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain project is led by a partnership between Auckland Foundation, Auckland Council, community champions and in consultation with mana whenua and the community of Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland.
Auckland Council is responsible for the research, consultation and concept design of the project, and will manage detailed design, resource consenting, procurement and construction. Auckland Council will own the completed nature play facilities, and be responsible for future investment in site infrastructure, ongoing operation and maintenance. Auckland Council owns and manages Pukekawa / Auckland Domain for use by all visitors.
Auckland Foundation provides the philanthropic structure for Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain and is responsible for all compliance and regulation regarding the donations and distributions to this project. Auckland Foundation is the community foundation for the Auckland region. Community foundations are a proven global philanthropic model that have been providing donors with a bespoke service to support their legacy and living giving since 1914. Donors are supported with efficient charitable structures and expert community knowledge and insight to achieve their philanthropic goals in perpetuity.
Consultation with mana whenua and the community began in late 2016 and ran over 2017 / 2018 leading up to approval of the concept plan by the Auckland Domain Committee in May 2018. In developing the Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain concept plan the Auckland Council project team worked with mana whenua and conducted community consultation (online and near the proposed location). Community feedback showed strong support for the development of the nature play area in Pukekawa / Auckland Domain. The community overwhelmingly agreed with the use of natural materials and supported incorporating elements of the locations natural and cultural history into the play space. Partnering with mana whenua on all aspects of the design and construction of the nature play area is key to the project, and Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain also has the support of the other listed partners and supporters.
With Stage One funding secured, Auckland Council is commencing further consultation with mana whenua and the community.
The Auckland Council project team are working with mana whenua throughout the project. The design principles are:
• MANA – Rangatiratanga, Authority
• WHAKAPAPA – Names and Naming
• TOHU – The Wider Cultural Landscape
• TAIAO – The Natural Environment
• MAURI TU – Environmental Health
• MAHI TOI – Creative Expression
• AHI KA – The Living Presence
Ko Pukekawa me Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) nga Maunga
Ko Te Waitematā te Moana
Ko Te Ako o te Tui me Waipapa nga puna wai Māori
Ko Waikohanga, Ko Pukekawa, Ko Pukekaroa nga pā
Pukekawa and Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) are the mountains
Waitematā is the sea
Te Ako o te Tui and Waipapa are the freshwater springs
Waikohanga, Pukekawa and Pukekaroa (Pukekaroro) are the forts
Stage One is funded, allowing work to commence on detailed design and the resource consent application. This stage also includes ongoing mana whenua engagement, and Auckland Council tendering and contracting (which will occur as Stage Two funding approaches the target). Stage Two will commence as soon as possible once the funding target is reached, with the aim of starting construction in late 2025, followed by installation of new play equipment and furniture. Our goal is to have Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain open in mid-2026.
The Auckland Council Parks and Community Facilities team completed the design concept in collaboration with mana whenua and community stakeholders.
Nature play is a concept that encourages children to spend time playing outdoors using their imaginations in a natural setting and inspires children to explore with and engage in open-ended play with elements of nature. The rise in nature play has gathered momentum in response to the growing body of research about the positive impacts of nature play on the social, emotional intellectual and physical wellbeing of children, and has developed as antidote to the increasing disconnect between children and nature.
The benefits of nature play are far-reaching, and some of the key physical, cognitive, social and emotional benefits include:
• Regular play in natural settings results in less childhood sickness, exposure to mud, sand, water etc can help strengthen children’s immune systems
• It enables the formation of strong connections to the natural environment and the development of life-long conservation values
• It improves language skills and collaboration
• Children who play in natural settings are more resilient to stress and have a lower incidence of behavioural disorders, anxiety and depression and have higher self-esteem
• Challenging, natural and irregular play spaces help children learn to recognise and assess risk and build confidence
• It supports positive social development, research shows that bullying behaviour is reduced where children have access to diverse nature-based environments
• It enhances balance, agility and has general health and wellbeing benefits
• It encourages and improves creativity and imagination, children who play in natural settings play in more diverse and imaginative ways
Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain will create an inclusive, natural experience in our oldest park (and one of the largest), contributing to community education and wellbeing across our region as well as becoming a renowned visitor attraction. By virtue of the ambition of its scale, nature, and site, Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain will be transformational for our community.
Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain is planned to be built to the south-west of the Duck Ponds, integrating sympathetically into the existing environment with existing trees retained and incorporated into the play space.
The play experiences include:
• Water play
• Sand play
• Climbing
• Balancing
• Sliding
• Natural play
• Planting as play
• Imaginative play
• Unprogrammed play
Play is essential for people of all ages and abilities. Accessibility and inclusivity considerations have been considered and incorporated across the design elements including:
• Accessibility of the space for wheelchair users and children with physical disabilities.
• Various hard and non-slip surfaces.
• Accessible and inclusive play components and play opportunities.
• A rich cultural story of the local area and hapū.
Auckland Council expect limited disruption to existing walkways and car parking. Temporary closures to allow for the movement of construction vehicles, equipment and materials will reopen as soon as it is safe to do so. More details will be available following the detailed design and construction planning steps.
The proposed location has good walking, cycling, public transport and vehicle access. Regular bus services operate along Park Road and Parnell Road, and sealed paths from Parnell train station lead to the area. Parking in the immediate vicinity, includes car parks located along the Crescent, the southern side of Kiosk Road and at the junction of Kiosk Road and Domain Drive. Bus parking is provided on Kiosk Road outside the entrance to the Wintergardens.
Auckland Council will maintain the playground as it does with all other community playgrounds. Auckland Council will own the completed nature play facilities, and also be responsible for future investment in site infrastructure and ongoing operation.
The Stage One budget of $150,000 is fully funded by public donations and allows work to commence on detailed design and resource consenting, ongoing mana whenua engagement, tendering and contracting. The Stage Two budget of $2 million is currently being raised through charitable donations from organisations and individuals. This includes our community fundraising campaign where anyone from the community can contribute to the project at any level. You can donate by Credit / Debit Card (at the top of this page) or online banking (info also above).
You can donate by Credit / Debit Card using the Donation Form or online banking (information above).
If you represent an organisation or business that wishes to make a difference in this ambitious community legacy project then please contact Auckland Foundation on
All contributions of $1,000 and greater will, at the donor’s option, be recognised in the Confirmed Project Donors [link] section of the webpage.
Donations of $50,000 or more will be recognised on site and in certain play areas, in a manner in keeping with the nature play concept. The contribution levels are:
• Pukekawa Donors ($200K+ financial / in-kind)
• Products & Services Donors (50K-$200K in-kind)
• Donors ($50K-$200K financial)
If you, or the organisation or business you represent, would like to discuss how your contribution will be recognised and / or options to donate over $50K, please contact Auckland Foundation on
While the Auckland Domain Committee approved the Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain concept plan in May 2018, there is no current Auckland Council budget allocated for the construction of the playground. Auckland Council budget constraints associated with events over recent years are likely to mean that Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain will not be realised for some time unless other funding ideas are explored.
This community fundraising initiative is intended to see this amazing Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain experience delivered for the community within 2 years. We’re giving people the opportunity to make a lasting contribution – small or large – to their community and play a part in making our city an incredible place to live, work and play.
While Stage One funding is secure, we hope to fund Stage Two as soon as practical.
The project delivery has a staged approach based on the confirmed funding available. Stage One is funded and provides for detailed design and resource consenting, and tendering / contracting. Stage Two will commence once the funding target is reached, and fundraising will remain ongoing until that time. Donations in excess of the funding target will be used toward additional Nature Play at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain play equipment and amenities.
Yes. Not only will your gift help bring this community project fully to life, but your donation will also qualify for a tax rebate of 33.3% up to the limit of your taxable income. See more about tax credits for donations on the Inland Revenue website. Auckland Foundation will email a charitable donation receipt to donors.